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Equans has picked Miros’ dry-mounted Wavex virtual sensor to collect operation-critical wave and current data on the offshore substation for the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm, located around 16 kilometres off the coast of Brittany, France.
Wavex is designed for highly accurate w
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New Jersey, United States – The Magnetic Field Sensor Market research report examines the market in precise detail during the anticipated period. The research is divided into sections, each of which includes a market trend and change analysis. Drivers, limits, possibilities, an
New products Ansys® Totem-SC™ and Ansys® PathFinder-SC™ optimize power and reliability for automotive, 5G, and high-performance compute semiconductors
PITTSBURGH , June 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ansys (NASDAQ: ANSS) announced the release of two new semiconductor products – Ansy
New products Ansys® Totem-SC™ and Ansys® PathFinder-SC™ optimize power and reliability for automotive, 5G, and high-performance compute semiconductors
PITTSBURGH , June 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Ansys (NASDAQ: ANSS) announced the release of two new semiconductor products – Ansy
Surface temperature measurement in hazardous areas without contact is made possible, even where the ambient temperature is as high as 180°C, with the new ExTempMini pyrometer from Calex Electronics.
With no need to provide cooling, the cost of installation is much lower and the risk of
14-06-2022 | Design & Manufacture
14-06-2022 | PVL |
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14-06-2022 | Design & Manufacture
02-02-2022 | Flex Power Modul