High-precision temperature measurement device offers high accuracy

2022-08-13 03:10:58 By : Ms. wei Wei

12-08-2022 | Subs & Systems

09-08-2022 | Test & Measurement

11-08-2022 | Weller Tools | Test & Measurement

Weller offers a professional control unit that controls soldering and reworking tools must ensure the precision of its working parameters. Some technologies have individual settable temperatures, in step increments of one-degree, others work with fixed temperature tips. In these cases, it is essential to be sure about the actual working temperature to provide a safe and repeatable process.

The company's advanced professional soldering technologies utilise a closed loop temperature regulation to monitor the temperature of the tip through a high-quality platinum sensor. It automatically adjusts the power to the silver core heating element according to the application, component and solder joint size. As the heater design continuously maintains the exact physical material characteristics through its lifecycle, no calibration is needed. The High-quality Platinum sensor and the control technology provide temperature accuracy and stability according to IPC J-STD001 D.

For advanced precision, surpassing IPC J-STD-001 D temperature accuracy requirements, all the professional digital units manufactured by the company have a built-in OFFSET function, which sets a value to correct any slight deviations (due to the specificity of the tip or to the state/wear or shape of it).

The WCU (T0053450199) is a compact, stand-alone, high-precision temperature measurement device for quick and accurate temperature measurements. The unit is strategically created for users that require to make measurements fast and simply while preserving the highest level of accuracy. It comes with a large, non-backlit display. It is ESD safe, so it can be utilised in EPA (ESD Protected Area); this compactly designed, battery-powered device can be shared between various workstations, and its auto-off function extends battery life. It provides for high precision measurements within 10", with a counter (for example, to replace sensors).

This new device offers a double purpose as the temperature can be measured by the built-in thermo cross or with a standard external type K sensor. Its main function employs the three filaments (one of which is mechanical only) that form the probe: the soldering tip must touch at their intersection, and the real temperature can be measured and displayed in the middle of the screen of the device. The two contacts that carry out the reading are shielded with heat-resistant and antistatic caps to evade false readings generated by the proximity of the soldering iron's resistance to the probes. There is a metal plate under them to facilitate cleaning, and the probes are readily replaceable (five in the scope of supply and also available in packs of ten pieces, T0058771712).

12-08-2022 | Test & Measurement

10-08-2022 | Test & Measurement

10-08-2022 | Test & Measurement

09-08-2022 | Test & Measurement