Demands for compulsory Covid-19 vaccination not backed by Science: UHO

2022-05-28 19:02:42 By : Ms. Sandy Liang

Are the unvaccinated a threat to themselves and to others? Such claims being made in various newspapers and TV channels are misleading and unfounded, claims the UHO ( The Universal Health Organisation (UHO), a body of researchers, doctors and public health experts, has called for a public debate on the demands for mandatory Covid vaccination.

Although the Supreme Court of India ruled on May 2 Covid-19 “vaccine mandates” to be disproportionate and unconstitutional, many science writers have continued to argue in favour of compulsory Covid jabs.

UHO points out the following flaws in their argument:

Basic Biology: They ignore the strong and long-lasting immunity after natural exposure, which most Indians have now.

Basic Statistics: vaccine efficacy computations do not account for all-cause mortality, do not account for age-differential risk, unfairly count deaths between first dose and 21 days after second dose as unjabbed deaths. they also do not account for deaths with a positive PCR test as ‘deaths due to Covid-19’.

Basic logic: there is no approved Covid-19 “vaccine”, all the current Covid-19 jabs are experimental and under emergency use authorisation. How can there be a “vaccine mandate” when there is no approved “vaccine” in the first place, asks UHO.

Basic Math: No one knows whether 2 jabs are sufficient or 3 or 4, or every 9 months or every 6 months or every 3 months; how can something which is so experimental be mandated?

Misleading Claims: Studies have shown that Covid-19 vaccines do not necessarily prevent transmission. There are in fact published studies showing a positive correlation between jab level and more infections.

Misleading Claims vaccines preventing new variants: Science shows that non-sterilizing jabs which do not prevent infection can lead to virulent strains and new variants due to evolutionary pressure.

Adverse events: Norway has recorded adverse events from the AstraZeneca jab (same as Covishield) at a rate of about 1 in 200; a recent survey in Rajasthan found that nearly 1 in 7 jabbed reported a long-term adverse event.

Declaring that “Propaganda” is the virus and “Debate” the vaccine”, UHO says the proponents of compulsory vaccination should drop their debate-hesitancy and join the public debate. Those who would like to join issues could get in touch with, says a press statement issued by the body.

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